quinta-feira, setembro 11, 2008

Holiday in Portugal

From now on we are back in our normal daily live. Spend three incredible weeks in Portugal. And we noticed that not much changed. At least not much in the good directions. Still Shoot-outs in area's where you better not be born. Assaults in bank's and ATM's, with an average of 4 each day.

Back to the country of the barrigas cheias. Where people complain even more, but without reason.

terça-feira, junho 24, 2008

Not excisting building is used by Tribunal

It seems that there are ghosts working for the Portuguese Government. They 'work' in a building that doesn't exist. But as photo's show it is there. More info ....
Tribunal de Guimarães funciona em edifício fantasma

terça-feira, junho 10, 2008

In the shadow of the tension around the European championship 26 referees where penalised in the process of Apito Dourado. And Porto goes to appeal for there suspension of the champions league. Let’s wait and see how this goes. Will apito dourado ever be finished? Or will there always be smoke and possible fires.

About fires: Already 169 in this short summer season.

quarta-feira, novembro 28, 2007


It's been very quite on this blog. Mean reason. Left Portugal behind me.
Why leaving. Aiaiaiai, so much reasons. No serious. Found a job opportunity in the Netherlands.

Mas tenho muito saudades de Portugal.

I am planning to start putting messages again based on things I read in Portuguese news media.

sexta-feira, janeiro 13, 2006

Portugal twenty years behind (2)

According to a report of the European Union (mentioned in a earlier post) Portugal stays 20 years behind on the rest in innovation. In case Portugal keeps the rhythm, what is according the report very weak, the stay 20 years behind and will be passed by other new states. The report continues by saying that:
Portugal has a series of problems, specially in coordination, it is all to fragmented, to much different organizations with to many diffracted goals. (the main problem of Portugals way of governing, IMHO). If they create a fund or organisation in this area they are more known for their 'Fanfarras' and party's then for their results.

Portugal twenty years behind (1)

Here in Portugal a polemica is started around a player of Benfica. This Russian player who is now on the bench and suspended because of the interview he gave, to a russian newspaper. In this interview he said that:
Lisboa is like a big country village. Where the children can't play on the street. And that Portugal is 20 years behind, even on Rusland.

Important to notice that the way he said it (like the amount of bad things) depends on the newspaper you read here.
According to him, the children even look television in playgrounds.

The biggest problem is that most what he said about this subjects are true. He even is supported bij a report of the European Union.