sexta-feira, outubro 28, 2005

News - Massive Brain Drain From Some of the World’s Poorest Countries

News - Massive Brain Drain From Some of the World’s Poorest Countries. Based on the figures Portugal can be placed under the poor countries and faces the same problems. A massive braindrain. One of the conclusions of the study is in my opinion wishfull thinking, namely that succes abroad from Portuguese or.. can lead to more better education in the origin country. In poor countries it is still common that son/daughter goes to work a early age to earn money, also still in countries like Portugal! BTW Portugal has lost 117.000 brains to other countries in 2000.

sexta-feira, outubro 21, 2005

TOP 500 da Pesquisa SAPO

On a website in Portugal Palavras mais pesquisadas you find a top 500 of most search words. Nuas is the first one. But why look only for nude. Probably you have to combine the first five words, but strange enough, there is a list so meaning there are more seached word then others. Ok, i think the men (must be men) have this in mind.

«free nude pictures or fotos from portuguese women in a newspaper»
«gratis imagens ou fotos de mulheres portuguesa no jornal».
That 'gratis' is on number 6 means probably that only one on six men has the urge not to pay for the material. I personaly think that is a good attitude.

quarta-feira, outubro 12, 2005

Tropical storm brings bad weather to Portugal

Vince, the latest tropical storm is heading towards Portugal. Yes, you did read it good. Follow his path. Tomorrow it is predicted to land in Portugal, with heavy rains. Lets see what this will bring in this little country, where the latest discussion was the dry weather the last years. How do they deal with this, can they hold the water that is falling, or goes it just down the drains...

Update: Vince didn't went for Portugal, he continued his path towards Spain and is almost completely eliminated now. Although we have no some heavy rains in Portugal, it will hardly help from the suffering dry. Most of the water flushes away or cause more damage then good. Especially in areas where the fires where devastating.

segunda-feira, outubro 10, 2005

Election local government, the soap

There will be more posts probably about the elections in Portugal. But I leave you know with this.
Sometimes it make me think: If people leave their garbage on the street, the beaches, spit on the floor, insult and beat their wives, hide for the taxes, why then not vote for Avelino

And I would like to ad myself:
Sometimes it make me think: If people leave their garbage on the street, the beaches, spit on the floor, insult and beat their wives, hide for the taxes, park their car always double in the middle of the street, why then not vote for Avelino or Isoltano M. or Fatima F. or whatever corrupt and criminal politician.

Original from: Revista Humorista ABS (apelo ao bem senso).

Accident outside

Just in front of my lovely apartamento a huge accident happened. Huge, no, not really. Funny yes, in a certain way. A black car, droven by a blonde women (and that means nothing) is hit by another grey car. The other, the grey, is gone, maybe didn't hear the hit, strange, but with the radio very hard or during heavy rain, it is possible. The strange thing is that, even if he (the grey car) hit the blackhe has nothing to be afraid of. because i want the know what she is going to tell to her insurance. Yes, i was parked very nice, just in a curve in front of xxx in xxx, and then a stupid other car hit me. Can i have my money.

I want to hear the reaction of the insurar. Probably something like:
yes and i am the son/daughter of Eusebio. Ofcourse we are going to pay you, hihihihihihihihi, tuut, tuut,tuut,tuut

And oh yes, In stead of learning about it and park the car nice, she just left the car where it already was and left to do what was so urgent to double park in the middle of the street in a curve.

Raining in Portugal

Chuva: Bombeiros de Lisboa acorrem a cem chamadas por inundações e entupimentos. Finally, it is raining in Portugal. But again there is a problem, why are there always problems. The rain can't go anywhere, because there is no decent sewing system. Al the water goes immediate to places where it can go the quickest (we al learned that in school, isn't it).
But it needed to rain, it was to dry. But lets hope that it will rain for a long time, and slowly, not hard, so the rain goes in the ground and not washed away on concrete.

The elections has been, and the socialist lost.

Especial Eleições Autárquicas 2005. The elections has gone by yesterday. Apart from a few incidents it seems to be gone very well. But the incidents are likely and typical for the state where Portugal is now, or maybe where it has ever been. Not far away from a country, they admire so much, the united states. Also here we have incidents with candidates going with buses to oldery homes to pick up voters. And ofcourse the biggest incident of all. At least four of the runners for mayors where involved in serious juridicall procedures. One already had a verdict of four years for corruption and three others are involved in schandals also. There are more, we only don't know of.